Table 4.10 A to D

Percent of population receiving adult education and training during the year preceding the
interview, by proficiency levels, Canada and regions, population aged 16 to 65, 2003
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4/5
% Standard
% Standard
% Standard
% Standard
A. Prose
Atlantic 18.7 (2.9) 36.4 (2.4) 56.1 (2.0) 66.9 (3.9)
Quebec 20.4 (2.4) 37.4 (2.6) 50.2 (2.2) 67.2 (4.4)
Ontario 20.7 (3.5) 45.2 (2.8) 58.4 (2.9) 64.6 (5.1)
Prairies 21.2 (3.3) 42.5 (3.0) 57.5 (2.2) 70.7 (3.0)
British Columbia 22.7 (3.7) 49.2 (3.7) 60.4 (2.9) 76.9 (3.6)
Territories 21.9 (1.8) 47.3 (3.2) 61.2 (3.0) 69.7 (3.8)
Canada 20.8 (2.0) 42.1 (1.6) 56.5 (1.1) 68.6 (2.2)
B. Document
Atlantic 20.8 (2.3) 37.8 (2.7) 56.8 (2.4) 65.9 (3.4)
Quebec 21.2 (2.1) 38.9 (2.2) 50.3 (2.3) 65.9 (3.8)
Ontario 22.5 (3.5) 44.5 (3.5) 57.6 (3.0) 65.7 (4.8)
Prairies 23.5 (3.8) 42.6 (2.5) 56.9 (2.2) 71.4 (2.7)
British Columbia 22.5 (3.3) 48.3 (4.4) 61.2 (3.2) 75.6 (3.6)
Territories 22.4 (2.0) 48.6 (3.1) 61.3 (2.7) 69.5 (3.8)
Canada 22.1 (1.8) 42.4 (1.4) 56.3 (1.0) 68.6 (2.4)
C. Numeracy
Atlantic 25.8 (2.7) 43.1 (2.6) 57.3 (2.4) 64.3 (3.1)
Quebec 22.3 (2.4) 39.5 (1.9) 52.4 (2.7) 62.9 (3.3)
Ontario 30.0 (3.1) 48.4 (3.2) 58.9 (3.1) 60.9 (4.8)
Prairies 30.0 (3.6) 46.6 (2.9) 60.3 (2.9) 68.2 (2.5)
British Columbia 29.7 (3.7) 52.5 (4.2) 64.0 (2.8) 74.2 (3.9)
Territories 29.7 (1.9) 53.2 (3.8) 61.2 (3.2) 66.6 (6.4)
Canada 27.7 (1.8) 45.8 (1.6) 58.3 (1.6) 65.0 (2.2)

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
% Standard
% Standard
% Standard
% Standard
D. Problem solving
Atlantic 26.7 (1.7) 50.5 (2.3) 64.9 (3.1) 67.5 (8.6)
Quebec 25.7 (1.5) 45.8 (1.6) 59.8 (3.2) 77.9 (6.1)
Ontario 30.2 (2.8) 53.6 (3.8) 65.2 (4.1) 68.8 (9.2)
Prairies 31.8 (2.4) 51.8 (1.7) 68.1 (2.2) 76.9 (4.8)
British Columbia 31.0 (3.1) 57.4 (3.9) 72.0 (4.1) 81.5 (5.8)
Territories 31.7 (1.8) 56.9 (2.8) 68.4 (4.2) 75.8 (9.8)
Canada 29.0 (1.3) 51.6 (1.8) 65.8 (2.1) 74.2 (4.2)

Source: International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey, 2003.