Finally, the weights were calibrated separately in each province or territory using the benchmark variables given in Table C4. Attempts to include household size and education variables proved unsatisfactory and were abandoned. Variables that were used had been validated through matches of the collected survey data with available frame information. Small amounts of missing data for the calibration variables were imputed. Census counts for all calibration variables at the enumeration area level were inflated according to the growth measured between provincial age and gender totals from the Census and the corresponding official demographic counts as of June 21, 2003. This reference date represented an approximation of the midpoint of collection both in terms of calendar days, and in terms of completed response.

Table C4

Benchmark variables by province or territory
Jurisdiction Calibration variables
Newfoundland and Labrador Age group x Gender, Stratum x Gender, CMA/CA (St. John’s)
Prince Edward Island Age group x Gender
Nova Scotia Age group x Gender, Stratum x Gender, CMA/CA (Halifax)
New Brunswick Age group x Gender, Stratum x Gender, Francophone x Gender
Quebec Age group x Gender, Stratum x Gender, CMA/CA (Montréal, Qu ébec), Anglophone x Gender, Immigrant x Gender
Ontario Age group x Gender, Stratum x Gender, CMA/CA (Toronto, Ottawa, group of 6 CMAs), Francophone x Gender, Immigrant x Gender
Manitoba Age group x Gender, Stratum x Gender, CMA/CA (Winnipeg), Francophone x Gender, Urban Aboriginal x Gender
Saskatchewan Age group x Gender, Stratum x Gender, CMA/CA (Regina, Saskatoon), Urban Aboriginal x Gender
Alberta Age group x Gender, Stratum x Gender, CMA/CA (Calgary, Edmonton), Immigrant x Gender
British Columbia Age group x Gender, Stratum x Gender, CMA/CA (Vancouver), Immigrant x Gender
Yukon Age group x Gender, CMA/CA (Whitehorse), Aboriginal x Gender
Northwest Territories Age group x Gender, CMA/CA (Yellowknife), Aboriginal x Gender
Nunavut Age group x Gender, Inuit x Gender

Note: Age group was defined as 16 to 25, 26 to 35, 36 to 45, 46 to 55, 56 to 65, 66 and over, except that the younger age groups were defined as 16 to 24, 25 to 35 for Quebec, and 16 to 29, 30 to 45 for British Columbia.

Source: International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey, 2003.