Table C5 summarizes the sample sizes and response rates for each province:

Table C5

Achieved sample and response rates by province
Region Target population Initial sample size Out-of-space cases1 Number of respondents2 Response rate3
Newfoundland and Labrador 431,646 2,001 98 1,299 68.3
Prince Edward Island 111,274 929 48 645 73.2
Nova Scotia 747,447 1,928 103 1,272 69.7
New Brunswick 599,679 2,126 181 1,466 75.4
Quebec 5,994,042 7,327 939 4,166 65.2
Ontario 9,621,290 9,600 1,613 4,946 61.9
Manitoba 852,805 4,186 767 2,267 66.3
Saskatchewan 741,829 2,542 640 1,234 64.9
Alberta 2,428,842 2,067 130 1,307 67.5
British Columbia 3,313,115 3,291 429 1,849 64.6
Yukon 20,739 2,000 249 1,092 62.4
Northwest Territories 26,541 1,286 110 818 69.6
Nunavut 12,592 1,257 119 677 59.5
Canada 24,901,841 40,540 5,426 23,038 65.6

1. Out-of-scope cases are those that were coded as residents not eligible, unable to locate the dwelling, dwelling under construction, vacant or seasonal dwelling, or duplicate cases.

2. A respondent’s data is considered complete for the purposes of the scaling psychometric assessment data provided that at least the Background Questionnaire variables for age, gender and education have been completed.

3. The response rate is calculated as number of respondents divided by the initial sample size minus the out-of-scope cases.

Source: International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey, 2003.