Figure 2.5

Distribution of prose proficiency levels, by jurisdiction,
population aged 16 to 25 years, 2003

Bar graph representation of Table 2.5

Notes: This figure contains certain unreliable estimates. Consult the table 2.5 in Annex A for the standard error of each estimate.
Due to confidentiality issues, Nunavut respondents aged 16 to 25 at level 4 and 5 have been included in Level 3.

Source: International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey, 2003.

Youth literacy and parental educational attainment

As can be seen in Figure 2.6, the prose literacy scores of youth vary with their parents’ level of education. Youth whose parents have not completed a high school education have the lowest prose literacy scores in 2003.

Between 1994 and 2003, there were some changes in prose literacy scores among youth from particular educational backgrounds. The highest score achieved by the lowest five percent of youth whose parents had not completed high school is about 84 points higher in 2003 than in 1994 — a significant improvement. While the average prose literacy score for youth with lower educated parents declined, the shift was not significant.