3.1 The research
3.2 Methodology
3.3 Analysis and interpretation of research results
3.4 Recommendations of the research
3.5 Conclusion
The final results of the Coalition francophone's research are now available, after four years of planning,
providing support for the organizations offering family literacy programs, gathering data and analyzing it.
This chapter contains a synopsis of the information that has been collected in the For My Child reports.
The relearch began in 2003, when the Coalition francophone decided to measure the impact of family
literacy on families living in minority settings in Ontario. The results, presented in the three reports
entitled For My Child, are of national interest because the families that participated in the family literacy
programs studied represent a wide range of family and community situations, and other communities
across [Canada may recognize situations here that are similar to their own. However, further research
carried out in other provinces will add credence to the results presented here.
This is Ithe first attempt in French Canada to undertake a formal evaluation of the impact of family literacy
programs on Francophone families by documenting the changes observed from the beginning to the end of the programs
The research was directed by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Citizenship and Minorities
(CIRCEM)at the University of Ottawa for the Coalition francophone. It is a direct outcome of the Action
Plan for Official Languages that the federal government unveiled in 2003 to ensure the nurturing of
Francophone and Anglophone linguistic minorities. The National Literacy Secretariat, now called the Office
of Literacy and Essential Skills, funded the research.