Home-school-community partnerships to support parents living in a minority francophone setting

Masny (2001)assigns parents the responsibility of supporting the social, linguistic and cultural well-being of their child in a Francophone preschool. In a Francophone minority setting, this means that the parents make a commitment, without denying the family's previous history, to create an environment that fosters the development of a Francophone identity and a feeling of belonging to the Francophone community.But parents also need the support of the school and the community to create such an environment. The appropriate support for eligible parents varies according to their linguistic, cultural and regional background. Whatever the family's history, it will be necessary to put in place a coordination service for the following purposes:

In addition, it is important to develop community responsibility for daycare services at the preschool level. One example would be locating the daycare in a French-language school or community centre. This mean the children do not have to move around as much and they develop a sense of belonging to the community, which contributes to building their Francophone identity (Masny, 2000).It is also important to establish a close connection between the programming at the daycare and preschool and the elementary school curriculum (Masny, 1995,in Masny, 2000).

The home-school-community connection plays an important role with families that have a low socioeconomic status. A research carried out in Quebec by Kanoute (2003)looked into the educational support of parents in underprivileged contexts. Her findings show that the failure rate of children is higher in underprivileged areas in Montreal. However, the parents are aware of their responsibilities and of the importance of school. They want to be made more welcome in the school and want the school to take into account the limitations they have in helping their child at home. Kanoute suggests that the schools need to know and recognize the home environment and the resources available to the family,take the parents into account in educational projects and respect their capacity to support their child.

Family literacy practitioners working with these parents could design ways of implementing interventions that create a stronger connection between the home and the school.