8.1 Characteristics of the Francophone minority setting in Canada
8.2 Guidelines for program directors
8.3 Guidelines for practitioners
8.4 Guidelines for the evaluation of programs
8.5 Conclusion
The guidelines for family literacy programs presented in this chapter are drawn from a review of writings relating to best practices. They differ from best practices in that they relate to organization and the management of a family literacy program, that is, how it is designed and evaluated. The FCAF's Guide de pratiques exemplaires en alphabetisation familiale en contexte francophone minoritaire (Guide to best practices in family literacy in a francophone minority context) (FCAF, 2007) explains the use of such guidelines:
To provide practitioners and program directors with guidelines for the orientation and support for the implementation ot high-quality family literacy programs that answer the particular needs of Francophones living in a minority setting. This guide will also help them to examine the program they offer (FCAF,2007, p. 8). [Free translation]
The Francophone minority setting presents challenges that are specific to the members of this community. Practitioners need to take this into account in their interventions. In particular, they must take into consideration the following elements: