8.2 Guidelines for program directors
- Keep precise financial records in good order and up-to-date.
- Ensure stable and adequate funding for the organization's short and long-term operations.
- Use effective recruitment and promotion strategies that can reach a large number of families
with particular needs and that take into account the human and material resources of the
- Inform the community about family literacy and its importance for everyone.
- Encourage everyone in the community to support literacies in their personal, family and
community lives as well as in their workplaces.
- Offer services that facilitate access to the program.
- Choose a time that suits the participants.
- Choose an accessible location for the program.
- Ensure the physical and emotional safety of the participants at all times.
- Implement high-quality family literacy programs that answer the needs of families and take
into account their areas of interest and their life context.
- Plan the family literacy program with great care.
- Recruit facilitators and volunteers actively, especially those who have high-level skills, training
and experience suitable for their tasks and responsibilities.
- Create a document that describes the roles and responsibilities of the staff members and the
board of directors.
- Provide support to newly recruited practitioners and volunteers on an ongoing basis, according
to their needs and those of the families they work with.
- Do a formative evaluation of the performance of volunteers and practitioners with their
participation and consent.
- Create win-win partnerships with groups whose goals, objective and mandates are compatible
with those of the organization.
- Put in place the necessary conditions for win-win partnerships.
- Foster the attitudes and kinds of behaviour that promote win-win partnerships.
- Put effective procedures in place to create win-win partnerships.
- Write up a partnership agreement that describes the roles and responsibilities of each partner
and gives details about the coordination ofthe program and have it approved by the partners.
- Give all of the partners an information kit.
In the Coalition francophone's research, the program directors were very aware of the measures they
would have to undertake to make the community aware of the family literacy program and to recruit the
families that could be interested in participating in them. Challenges persist for the recruitment of families
and of fathers, particularly in settings where Francophones are a very small minority.