Global Description

Phase III ESL Literacy learners are expanding in their knowledge of the written language. They can read and respond to a wider variety of authentic and teacher-adapted texts.


A Phase III ESL Literacy learner:
  • Is becoming able to read a simple multi-paragraph story or article
  • Is becoming able to read in English mostly for information, to learn more language and to develop reading skills
  • Often requires re-reading and clarification
  • May start to read for pleasure.


A Phase III ESL Literacy learner:
  • Is beginning to convey ideas in writing within predictable contexts of everyday needs and experiences
  • Is developing better control over structure, vocabulary and the mechanics of writing of paragraphs
  • Still has difficulty in creative expression beyond memorized language. Use of more complex language or idioms will result in errors.
  • Is learning to check own work and make corrections.


A Phase III ESL Literacy learner is developing:
  • An ability to understand numbers and data found in the media and other formats
  • An ability to problem solve and to perform the basic operations needed with ease
  • An ability to understand money management and banking services
  • An ability to read and construct charts and graphs.

Sociocultural and Linguistic Considerations

A Phase III ESL Literacy learner is developing an understanding of:
  • Common symbols that are used at home, school, work, or business to give specific directions and/or warnings
  • Schedules that Canadians use to organize their personal and family activities, such as sports, leisure, meetings, clubs
  • The importance Canadians place on being involved in the community (church, parent council)
  • Canadians who buy on sale, comparison shop and use coupons to save money
  • The large amount of printed material that is received at home that must be read for the useful information such as time frame, fine print and conditions.
  • Messages and memos that convey important information
  • Invitations and conventions related to punctuality, gift giving and RSVP.

Canadian Language Benchmarks

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