Practitioners also look for indicators that they identify as “out
of sync with the learner’s
goal, and ask the learner to rethink the goal or make changes.”
One practitioner
remarked, “Occasionally learners need to write the college entrance
test and have the
score presented to them before reality sets in.” In another program
learners at the higher
levels are required to complete a career report which involves ‘shadowing’
the post
secondary program, e.g., interviewing post secondary teachers and learners.
For some
learners the ‘shadowing’ portion in level 4 is arranged if
it is felt that they require goals
clarification. See Appendix L for a sample of the Career Report used at
Frequency of goal review
Most practitioners felt goals should be reviewed on a monthly or bi-monthly
basis. One
practitioner distinguished between kinds of goals. Small goals should
be reviewed every
two weeks, whereas big goals like program choice should be reviewed every
3 months.
Another noted that progress takes longer at the lower level and more time
therefore is
needed to measure progress. A third suggested that goal-setting was an
process to be undertaken when the practitioner feels it is necessary or
when the learner
indicates a need to do so.