Conference Bags - Women’s Action For Development
(Namibia, Africa)

I will break the chains to freedom and I won’t turn back,
I’m climbing to the very top
From below where my mother was for so long,
I’m stepping out of the shadows,
Stretching, excited, glowing
Because I know that I will reap what I am sowing

The Women’s Action for Development (1994) is an NGO committed to serving, supporting and encouraging disadvantaged rural women in Namibia. Its vision is to improve lives through a two-pronged approach – socio-economic and socio-political empowerment of women. Although the organization focuses primarily on women, it is male-friendly and encourages male participation.

The group currently has 3000 members (men and women).

When the Women’s Action for Development establishes itself in a region, it works through community groups to reach women in need. Life skills training is provided (including AIDS awareness and family planning) followed by skills development that responds to local market demands. The trainees then start a cooperative enterprise using kick-start funding provided by the Action committee (these loans are small and are a one time only occurrence). The Action committee provides on-going support to the cooperative and further technical training as required. Simultaneously, cooperative members learn how to manage a business savings account at the local post office (commercial banks are too expensive for rural people to use) and to perform book-keeping operations. Each cooperative member has her own savings book which she completes via literacy and numeracy lessons provided by the Action committee.

Socio-political empowerment is achieved through the establishment of Women’s Voice groups in regions where the Action committee is operating. These bodies consist of 7 members (men and women) who stand together as a united force to assertively address social problems within their communities. They use decision-makers, leaders and traditional authorities to assist them in their quest for change. They also identify and encourage women to stand as candidates in elections. (The Action committee strictly adheres to a non-party philosophy, preferring instead to encourage women to consider issues and performance records when it is time to vote).

The Women’s Voice members are all volunteers who are committed to “breaking the chains of bondage.”

For more information or to order conference bags, please contact:

Women’s Action for Development
PO Box 370 • Windhoek, Namibia