TOWES is a preferred measure of workplace literacy skills when compared with conventional assessments because:
TOWES test results report on both the IALS (International Adult Literacy Survey) Footnote 1 500-point scale and the ESRP (Essential Skills Research Project) Footnote 2 5-Level scale used for occupational profiles developed by HRSDC (Human Resources and Skills Development Canada). On the IALS 0-500-point scale, complexity is measured 0 to 500 with 500 being most complex. On the ESRP 5-level scale, complexity is measured from 1 to 5 with 5 being most complex. The relationship between both scales is presented below.
A test taker is assigned a score at a given level when they can demonstrate an 80 percent (or higher) proficiency at completing questions at a given level. In other words, an individual will be classified at level 3 if they demonstrate an 80 percent (or higher) pass rate on questions rated at level 3. The 80 percent pass rate was selected as the required proficiency level because an 80 percent proficiency level was the standard established by IALS, and most workplaces require a similar standard of proficiency.
Return to note 1 Statistics Canada. (2003). Building on our Competencies: Canadian Results of the International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey (Catalogue no. 89-617-XIE). Ottawa, Ontario: Canada.
Return to note 2 Human Resoucres & Social Development Canada (2007). Essential Skills Research Project. Retrieved May 30, 2008, from: