TOWES test results are standardized, as such, the following assumptions can be made about
- Individuals with scores at level 4 can accurately complete TOWES questions rated at
level 1, 2, 3, and 4, at the required proficiency rate of 80 percent or higher.
- Individuals with scores at level 3 can accurately complete TOWES questions rated at
Level 1, 2, and 3, at the required proficiency rate of 80 percent or higher. They may be
able to complete questions with complexities rated at 4 or higher, however not at the
required 80 percent proficiency rate
- Individuals with scores at level 2 can accurately complete TOWES questions rated at
Level 1 and 2 at the required proficiency rate of 80 percent or higher. They may be able
to complete questions with complexities rated at 3 or higher, however not at the
required 80 percent proficiency rate.
- Individuals with scores at level 1 can accurately complete TOWES questions rated at
Level 1 at the required proficiency rate of 80 percent or higher. They may be able to
complete questions with complexities rated at 2 or higher, however not at the required
80 percent proficiency rate.
For this project, mean level scores were derived by converting mean IALS 500-point scores
relative to the ESRP 5 Level scale, using the conversion table presented below: