TOWES Testing & Data Collection

TOWES Test Administration

As TOWES is a formal, invigilated standardized assessment, it is important that the proper test administration procedures and protocols are followed. Only certified TOWES Test Administrators may invigilate the assessment. This is to ensure all test takers across the country, receive the same quality of testing instruction and that fair and equitable testing practices are maintained at all times. Numerous staff members at each participating Ontario College were certified TOWES Test Administrators. Staff that had requested to use the online pilot version of TOWES participated in additional test administration training prior to their scheduled testing sessions.


The demographics of 95 participants were collected through the TOWES questionnaire, located at the beginning of each test booklet. Participants are encouraged to respond to each questionnaire item as accurately as possible, with the understanding that data collected is for research purposes only and will never be directly associated to them. Information collected remains confidential and may only be accessed by TOWES. Completing the TOWES questionnaire is not mandatory for participants to receive test results.

TOWES Questionnaire