TOWES test results for each participant were compiled in association with the collected demographics. This enables TOWES to look for common themes and trends among the entire participant group as well as select population groups. Demographic information along with the corresponding test results and are not distributed individually, but as a group, to ensure results and personal information remains anonymous.
Many researchers strive for sufficient sample sizes to result in confidence levels of 95% and margins of error of +/-5%. These parameters ensure significant results that can be used to generalize to the population and to make data driven decisions and recommendations. Confidence levels and margins of error are largely dictated by sample sizes which include the overall size of the population and the size of the sample population.
To determine actual confidence levels and margins of error for this project, the number of ACE (Academic and Career Entrance) participant numbers for 2006/2007 were used for the overall size of the population and the actual number of participants was used as the sample size.
For the overall size of the population, the figure of 5,895 was used. In 2006/2007, College Sector Committee reported that 5,895 participants were enrolled in the ACE program. As more recent statistics are not available, a figure of 5,895 is deemed reasonable.
Using the estimate of 5,895 for overall population size, a random sampling of 361 participants is necessary to achieve the strived-for confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of +/-5%. As this study’s maximum sample size is 95, our findings do not fall within the desired confidence level of 95% and margin of error of +/-5 % .
As a result, caution should be exercised when making generalizations about ACE participants based on the findings from this analysis. The degree of caution to be exercised increases as sample sizes decrease, which is the case when this study’s population is segmented by factors such as age, grade, and mother tongue.
We note data results that do not achieve a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error greater than +/-5% by placing an “ * ” beside the number. All results that are derived using sample sizes of < 361 have this marker.