Statistical Project Findings

Participant Demographics

A total of 95 TOWES tests were completed with 75 of those tests in paper format. Twenty TOWES assessments were completed with a new pilot version of TOWES Online.

Demographics were collected through the TOWES questionnaire, located at the beginning of each test booklet. Participants are encouraged to respond to each questionnaire item as accurately as possible, with the understanding that data collected will never be directly associated to names or test booklet numbers. Completion of the TOWES questionnaire does not affect test results in any way.

Participation by Age

Participants were asked to self-identify the following:

A1    Age 16 - 24      25 - 34      35 - 44
 45 - 54       55 - 64

Of the 91 participants who responded, 56 percent are between the Ages of 16-24, 15 percent are 25-34, 17 percent are 35 - 44, and 12 percent are 45 and older. Four participants did not identify Age.

Participation by Age
Total Participants 16‐24 25‐34 35‐44 45 +
91 51 14 15 11