O’Connell, Brian The Board Member’s Book: Making a Difference in Voluntary Organizations, New York: The Foundation Center, 1985.

This book is very detailed and thorough. It tends to focus on American examples and larger voluntary organizations but is extremely helpful in putting the volunteer commitment first and foremost in all organizational discussions. This is recommended for the board member who is going to make a “career” of board work! It has a good chapter on evaluation of board performance.

Ontario Ministry
of Education
and Training.
Literacy and Basic Skills Program (LBS) Guidelines, Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Education and Training, 1998.  

Panel on
Accountability &
Governance in the
Voluntary Sector.
Helping Canadians Help Canadians, Improving Governance and Accountability in the Voluntary Sector, Ottawa: Voluntary Sector Roundtable, 1998.  
Patry, Denise. Proposed Volunteer Management Standards and Procedures Manual - A Reference Document for the Use of NCC Personnel, Ottawa: National Capital Commission Advisory Committee, 1992.  

Perry, Herb.

Call to Order: Meeting Rules and Procedures for Non-Profit Organizations
, Owen Sound, Ontario: Big Bay Publishing Inc., 1989.

This short, concise book is a classic! It gets away from cumbersome Parliamentary Procedure which may not always be appropriate to non-profit groups. It specifies exactly what each person at the meeting should and should not be doing.


Perry, Herb.

The Board: A Winning Team
, Owen Sound, Ontario: Big Bay Publishing Inc., 1990.

Another useful book from Herb Perry on the functioning of boards. It is excellent, concise, easily readable. This is a MUST-HAVE for every non-profit organization (but only if every new board member reads it!).

Robinson, Paul A. A Guide to Financial Policies and Procedures for Non-Profit Organizations, Kitchener, Ontario: LAMP Consultants to Non-Profits, 1993.

This book offers an excellent and understandable overview of financial management for nonprofit agencies.

Silver, Nora. At the Heart - The New Volunteer Challenge to Community Agencies, San Francisco: The San Francisco Foundation, 1988. *A
Community Literacy Administrator’s Survival Kit, Sudbury, Ontario: Ministry of Skills Development, 1989. *A

Charles &
Gwynne Kostin.

No Surprises - Controlling Risks in Volunteer Programs
, Washington DC: Nonprofit Risk Management Center, 1993.

This book doesn’t claim to be comprehensive but is a great primer to convince you of the need for comprehensive policies and procedures as an essential component of risk management.

TV Ontario. Board Basics for Volunteers: Participant’s Manual, Toronto: United Way, 1995.

This workbook is part of a series which includes a five-program video set (co-produced with United Way). It is ideal for the board members themselves, who are committed to working through a self-training process. Many worthwhile exercises are suggested for this development process.

United Way
of Canada.
Board Basics Kit for Volunteer Organizations, Toronto: United Way, 1995.

This is a large and comprehensive binder which can accompany the above workbook and video series (co-produced with TVO) or it can stand alone as worthwhile reference on all matters related to leadership and the development of a board of directors. This is a reference for the organization while the workbook and video series can be used by the individual volunteers.

United Way
Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality - Ethical Responsibilities of Boards of Directors: A Guide to Development of Policies and Procedures, Peterborough, Ontario: United Way of Peterborough and District, 1992. *A
Weller, J.
Board Development Handbook - Eastern Ontario Region Literacy Programs, Kingston: Literacy Link Eastern Ontario, 1994. *A