(refer back to what you set out in your by-laws)
Board members will serve for a two-year term.They may serve a maximum of four consecutive years.
Executive officers are to be selected by the board at the first meeting of the administrative year.These positions have a one-year term but individuals may be re-elected to the same position for one additional term.
To ensure consistency and minimize disruption, only half of the board members will complete their terms in any given year.
If there are more candidates than positions, an election will be held at the Annual General Meeting.
Our agency believes in open-ended nominations to the board. Any member in good standing may nominate candidates for the board.
The Board Nominating Committee will have the sole responsibility for bringing forward a slate of candidates who have the necessary skills and background to serve as board members. All candidates will go through a screening process managed by the Nominating Committee. If there are more suitable candidates than positions, a board election will be held as outlined in the “Board Selection and Recruitment Process” document on file.