
Sample Statement

The Executive Director will be expected to attend all board meetings, but will be excused during any discussions which pertain to her performance appraisal or salary.


Sample Statements

A quorum is defined as the number of people legally required to transact an organization’s business.This is usually a majority of directors not counting the board Chair, who votes only to break a tie.

It the policy of this agency that board meetings will go ahead even if a quorum is not achieved. However, there can be no voting on issues and all recommendations and suggestions which are developed must be ratified at the next meeting which has a quorum.

If there is not a quorum within twenty minutes of the established starting time, the board Chair will cancel a board meeting immediately.


Sample Statement

In order to ensure consistency in the succession to the Board, a standing Nomination Committee will oversee the recruitment, orientation and evaluation of board members.

Removal of a Director

Sample Statement

Board members who do not fulfill their duties satisfactorily, as per the position description, may go through a progressive disciplinary process which includes a verbal warning, a written warning, suspension and finally dismissal.

Sample Policy

Board members who miss three consecutive meetings without good reason are subject to immediate termination and will be notified of this in writing.
