
Sample Statements

Staff supervision and support of volunteers requires special skills and expertise, and paid staff who work well with volunteers will be acknowledged for their contributions and abilities. (Source: Linda Graff’s By Definition, 1997)

Staff will facilitate a positive environment for volunteers and will be recognized for this contribution.

Staff -Board Relations

Sample Statements

In order to foster good communication and responsive working relations, a designated staff representative will be asked to attend all board meetings. A staff member will also be designated as an ex-officio member of the board Personnel Committee.

The Executive Director is responsible for working in conjunction with the board Chair to develop the agenda for board meetings.

Volunteer Staff Relations

Sample Statements

As partners in the delivery of literacy services, volunteers and paid staff have unique roles and responsibilities which are outlined in their job descriptions.

Volunteer involvement in our literacy programs is intended to extend our service delivery for the benefit of clients, therefore:

Administrative volunteers may be permitted to do some tasks of paid staff, however a paid employee is responsible to supervise all office functions.

The Executive Director assumes responsibility for administrative volunteers who are assigned work that is typically performed by paid personnel.

We believe that the ideal student-tutor ratio for one Volunteer Coordinator is .Therefore, staff will not be expected to manage more than student-tutor matches.

Paid staff are not permitted to directly supervise family members who may choose to volunteer.
