Internet Non-User Segmentation

Reflecting differences in expectations, EKOS’ Dual Digital Divide series of reports has divided non-users into “near users” and “far users” typologies. While it is only a matter of time before “near users” move online, “far users” do not expect to move online.

This year’s study further subdivides non-users into two “near user” segments and two “far user” segments, based on a combination of past experience with the Internet and reported expectation to start using the Internet in the next year. The two “near user” and two “far user” segments are defined as follows, and shown in Figure 4.

Near Users       (A total of 24 per cent of non-users)

New near users       (12 per cent)

Non-users who have never used the Internet before, but report they expect to begin using the Internet in the next year.

Re- joining/accelerating potential near users       (12 per cent)

Non-users who have used the Internet before and who expect to start using the Internet more regularly in the next year.

Far Users       (A total of 76 per cent of non-users)

Drop-out/infrequent users       (16 per cent)

Non-users who have used the Internet before, but do not expect to start using the Internet, or begin using the Internet more regularly, in the next year.

Core non-users       (60 per cent)

Non-users who have never used the Internet before and who do not expect to start using the Internet in the next year.