5 per cent of Canadians have not used the Internet recently or ever before because they do not have a computer or their computer is too old.

Reason For Not Using the Internet: Quantitative Results

Examining reported reasons for not using the Internet within the larger context of all Canadians provides a prospective of the size of various segments based on their reasons for not being online. Given the rise in overall Internet usage, the proportion of Canadians who are non-users (with or without any previous online experience) continues to decline [Table 4a].

  • 74 per cent of Canadians are users, up from 68 per cent in 2001.
  • 19 per cent of Canadians are non-users without any previous online experience, down from 23 per cent.
  • 7 per cent of Canadians are non-users who have some previous online experience, down slightly from 8 per cent.

When probed on their main reason for not using the Internet individual non-users provide a wide spectrum of responses. While lack of need or interest in using the Internet are closely related leading main reasons, a sizeable number indicate that not having a computer or that their computer is too old is the main reason they have not used the Internet in the past three months or ever before.

  • In total, 5 per cent of Canadians say that not having a computer or that their computer is too old is the main reason for not having used the Internet recently or ever before (3 per cent non-user/never used, 2 per cent non-user/used before).
  • Another 9 per cent point to a lack of need or interest (2 per cent non-user/used before and 7 per cent non-user/never used).