“You can really waste a lot of time on the computer. If you can find it in a print copy faster, why would you use the computer?”
      (Winnipeg, far non-user)

“I am a traditionalist, I would just rather use the traditional paper or personal resources to get the information I need. This whole computer thing I found rather expensive and unnecessary.”
      (Winnipeg, far non-user)

“It scares me a little bit; I’m afraid I’m going to press something and lose everything!”
      (Ottawa, near non-user)

“I am not going to waste my time on a learning curve when I could just get the information faster in a book.”
      (Winnipeg, far non-user)

“You really need to know how to use a computer to get the information you want, otherwise you could be on it for a long time and get no where. I don’t even know how to turn it on.”
      (Winnipeg, far non-user)

No Need

Senior participants, in particular, were the most likely to name a lack of interest or need as the main reason why they did not use the Internet. When further probed on the issue and presented with all the things that are possible online, almost all maintained that everything that they might want to do on the Internet is equally accessible in-person or by telephone. In general, they are satisfied with these methods of contact and see no need to change. Furthermore, many enjoyed the contact of visiting their bank branch or shopping in-person, for example.

When challenged on the issue, it became clear, that for some, the fact of having no need to use the Internet was further compounded by the expense of buying a computer while on a fixed income and the time it would take for them to learn how to use it. The Internet was a foreign technology and held little appeal for this group.

Not Comfortable with Technology

A few non-users in each group said that they are not comfortable with technology. Fears of pressing the wrong key and crashing the computer, not being able to protect their system from viruses or not knowing how to repair it if something went wrong were genuine concerns.

Many in this group reported being interested in learning more about computers and the Internet and having someone show them how to use it. In general, those that reported that they had a family member or a close friend that was proficient with computers were less likely to report they are not comfortable with technology.