Variance by Region and Rural/Urban Location

While largely mirroring aggregate location of usage trends there are some notable variations in usage patterns by region [Table 5a].

  • Highest incidences of home usage are in Ontario and British Columbia, both at 87 per cent of users.
  • Reported home usage is lower in Quebec (81 per cent) and in Atlantic Canada (80 per cent).
  • Incidence of public access site use is highest British Columbia (9 per cent) and lowest in Alberta (2 per cent).

While similar in most respects, there is significantly lower incidence of workplace usage among rural Internet users than is the case for their urban counterparts [Table 5a].

  • 29 per cent of rural users went online at work in the past three months.
  • 40 per cent of urban users indicate they have used the Internet at work recently.