In November 1993, representatives from western Canadian business, labour, education and government met to discuss their experiences and concerns regarding Workplace Essential Skills development in western Canada. They discovered that having the opportunity to learn from each other was extremely valuable. As a result, this small group made a commitment to explore the broader needs of western Canadian business and labour in terms of essential skills training, and to become a catalyst for change.

WWestnet (the Western Canada Workplace Essential Skills Training Network) has remained a multi-sectoral group of western Canadian volunteers who recognize that all sectors must share the responsibility for building a workforce with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to keep pace with change.

To date, WWestnet has hosted eight very successful Workplace Essential Skills conferences/workshops, and publishes a newsletter, “the bottom line”. WWestnet also recognizes champions of workplace literacy, supports the development of workplace practitioner training, promotes research addressing the issues, and uses its network to communicate information about Workplace Essential Skills initiatives.

WWestnet Committee Members:

Rob Despins
Standard Aero
Naomi Frankel
American Federation of Musicians
Herman Hansen
Boeing Canada Technology (MB)
Greg Maruca
AB Union of Provincial Employees
Bob McConkey
Douglas College
Irma Mohammed
BC Federation of Labour
Jonas Sammons
MacSam International Ltd.
Nancy Steel
Bow Valley College
Sue Turner
BC Hydro Generation

George Tuccaro and John Tees providing musical entertainment at the May 3rd dinner.
George Tuccaro & John Tees