Table of Contents
Conference Program
The Honorable Charles Dent
Conference Rationale
WWestnet — A Backgrounder
Greetings from the NLS
What Are Essential Skills and Why Are They Important?
Day 1 Sessions
Session 1:
The Training Picture In The North
Section 2:
Perspectives on Training Needs in the North
Session 3:
What Are Essential Skills, Some Essential Skills Tools and Rresources
Session 4:
Approaches to Essential Skills Development
Session 5:
An Integtated Model For Employment Preparation
Session 6:
Northern Pipeline Projects
Day 2 Sessions
Session 1:
Akita Drilling
Session 2:
Is it Always an Essential Skills Issue
Session 3:
Northern Workplace / Workforce Literacy Consortium
Session 4:
Job Design
Session 5:
Test of Workplace Essential Skills
Session 6:
Assessing Learning and Work Readiness
Day 3 Sessions
Session 1:
Tools For Assessing Learning and Work Readiness
Session 2:
The Linkage Model
Session 3:
Integrated document use
Session 4:
Large Group Discussion
Conference Evaluation
Networking List
The Presenters
Mackenzie Gas Project Information
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