Conference Evaluation

Conference participants were asked to evaluate sessions based on the following rating scale:

5 = high / very good 1 = low / poor

May 3, 2005 - Day One

 Approximate score: 1-5
Session: The Training Picture in the North
quality of presentation 3.75
usefulness to you and your organization 3.85
Session: Perspectives on Training Needs (Panel)
quality of presentations (overall) 3.8
usefulness to you and your organization 3.8
Session: What are Essential Skills/Tools and Resources
quality of presentation 4.25
usefulness to you and your organization 4.1
Session: Canadian Trucking Human Resources Council
quality of presentation 4.1
usefulness to you and your organization 3.8
Session: Construction Sector Council
quality of presentation 4.1
usefulness to you and your organization 4.0
Session: An Integrated Model for Employment Preparation
quality of presentation 4.4
usefulness to you and your organization 4.2
Session: Northern Pipeline Projects
quality of presentation 3.9
usefulness to you and your organization 3.75