Day 2 SESSION 6:

Hildy Hanson (Keyano College)
John Pahl (Akita Drilling)
Lana Roeland (I&D Management)


TOWES can assess proficiency in three of the essential skill domains, reading text, document use and numeracy but, there are other skill domains and attributes that also need to be considered in preparing for learning and work. The members of this panel, Hildy Hanson, Keyano College, Lana Roeland, I&D Management, and John Pahl, Akita Drilling, described some of the tools and approaches that can be used for determining learning and career paths, readiness for work, and occupational ‘fit’. Each panel member had a perspective that is informed by his or her own work. Hildy described some of the tools used in an education setting, Lana, those used by a human resource management company and John, assessment tools typical of the drilling industry. Delegates were encouraged to ask questions and discuss issues around assessment.

Keyano College

At Keyano College, anyone who wants to take a 3 day contextualized reading workshop can do so with no assessment expectations attached. However, if a learner requests a reading assessment, a two hour test can be administered. In terms of numeracy, a math assessment is used to screen learners into essential skills programs, although the college is moving away from the use of assessment scores as pre-requisites for essential skills courses.

Keyano’s clients, Syncrude and Suncor, use TOWES as a pre-employment screening tool for three occupations. In these cases, job applicants write the test, and must achieve 85% to be considered for employment. In the mine operations program, TOWES is used as part of learner assessment procedures in response to employer demands. In this case, the program, itself, addresses the kinds of problem sets TOWES uses, enabling most learners to achieve passing scores.

In terms of assessing English as a Second Language (ESL) learners, the Canadian Language Benchmarks are used. The Test of Basic English (TABE) is administered in the trades programs.

I&D Management

I&D Management screens and hires truck drivers for Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. I&D currently has 150 employees on the Diavik site. I&D does not use formal assessment tools or grade level attainment to screen individuals into employment positions. Instead, workers are initially given a verbally administered assessment based on three lists of word (single syllable, 2-3 syllable and 3-4 syllable) and a signage test targeting signs found on site. They must also pass document use assessments involving materials from safety manuals. These documents range from short text pieces with accompanying pictures to more complex forms.