Discussion Points

Developing the essential skills of workers has been challenging. One solution has been to introduce computer-based on-site training and to encourage individuals to upgrade their literacy and numeracy skills.

The Mackenzie Gas Producer Group is supportive of activities that target the people of the north. In 2001, industry stakeholders, Aurora College, and the GNWT formed a committee to determine what training will be necessary in terms of both the technical stream and the trades’ stream of occupations that will be required during pipeline construction.

In a 2004 targeted recruitment approach, 41 people applied to become apprentices. Of the 41, 22 qualified and out of that group, six apprentices were recruited. Several of the remaining members of the group of 22 were hired as employees of the oil and gas companies working in the north. Also through targeted recruitment efforts, 11 learners entered Aurora technical programs, and one entered NAIT. About 90% of the applicants were Aboriginals.

At present, there are no programs in place to encourage more women to enter non-traditional occupations (about 15% of industry employees are women). However, increased numbers of women are becoming heavy equipment operators, and more women than men are pursuing post-secondary training in the north.

The issue was raised that companies are not providing enough opportunities for young apprentices. This seems to be due to a lack of qualified journeypersons willing to take apprentices. In response, the rules have recently changed to allow one journeyperson to be responsible for two apprentices. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that it is 3-7 person businesses that tend to train apprentices and not the larger firms. There was also agreement that many young people who pass pre-trades programs do not have the employability skills to succeed on the job. The ARDHA holders are in a position to identify those prospective apprentices in need of essential skills enhancement and employability skills programs. With a more coordinated and concerted effort, these problems can be addressed.

Colin MacGregor and Celina Stroder at the Training Needs in the North presentation.
Colin MacGregor & Celina Stroeder