- Training and skills development in the north
is bringing people from diverse sectors
together. People who don’t usually talk to each other
now have a common cause.
This must continue – all stakeholders must meet and
find solutions together.
- The GNWT must make vocational training a priority. Aboriginal
groups want a sense
of belonging to something sustainable. In order to accomplish
this, people will have
to think creatively – go outside the box for answers.
- There must be trust relationships to talk about needs;
and actions will only be
relevant if needs have been explored.
A trades skills school is needed – the money is there.
But the will must be there too.
- People living in the north must learn to see themselves
as having a competitive
advantage. They already know how to live and survive
in the north: southern
workers won’t have this advantage when pipeline construction
begins and workers
are needed.
Analysis has been done on what kinds of jobs the pipeline will
create – now, it must
be determined how capacity can be developed. Capacity
is the answer. Work will
breed more work whether the pipeline comes now
or later.
What next?
- Information must be widely disseminated in terms
of what skills industry wants
workers to have.
- There is a database being compiled of all workers available
for pipeline-related work.
- The Work Readiness Program will be implemented.
- All examples used in ABE should be from real life and
real workplaces, and should be
culturally aware.
- Introduce the Linkage Model.
- Involve and engage the school system.
- Personalize essential skills for the oil and gas industry
(more focus on the learner,
take the lead from the trainers who understand
that essential skills are all about
- Core values must be identified and shared by all involved
in developing capacity in
the north – workers must be safe, workers must be given
training, workers must
have the opportunity to succeed.
- There should be a central organization to warehouse information
and essential skills
resources (a clearinghouse). This hub would
be a nerve centre for all involved in
building the essential, employability and
technical skills of the north.
- The conference networking list is important for establishing
a group of supporters to
move forward.
There must be a cross-industrial approach in the north – all
stakeholders must be at the table (industry,
education, 2 levels of government).
- Aboriginal Futures is an excellent example of collective
and shared responsibility.
- Creativity will be important as the north attempts to
overcome barriers and create a
skilled workforce.
- There should be a follow-up workshop, one that focuses
on the north as a
community of people, one that highlights
success stories.