George Tuccaro

George Tuccaro is a member of the Mikisew Cree First Nation from Fort Chipewyan in Northern Alberta. He moved north to Yellowknife in 1970. George is now a retired broadcaster after 30 years with CBC North. During his tenure in journalism, George became a household name as an emcee, a comedian and as a performing artist in the Northwest Territories. He has hosted national and international festivals and showcases including Yellowknife’s "Folk on the Rocks" numerous times over the past two decades. Recently he and his good friend Gordon Cormier from St John's Newfoundland teamed up to produce and record a comedy CD titled "Salt Beef and Bannock", a mixture of east coast and Aboriginal humour. The CD has since sold out and plans are underway to produce another. On a more serious side, George is enjoying his personal healing journey and now has 25 years of sobriety.

Reid Warne

Reid Warne graduated from the SAIT Power Engineering program and has worked for Imperial Oil for 35 years. During that time he has worked in Production operations, Beaufort Sea/Mackenzie Delta exploration, and the Safety Health and Environment department. Reid has been a plant operator, foreman and superintendent of construction and logistics for Arctic exploration, Drilling Rig Operations Manager and Emergency Response Advisor. Reid is now a Benefits Advisor for the Mackenzie Gas Project.