After the project is finished, we will celebrate the book you helped make. Kate will tell you everything she learned about how parents can help kids learn math, and give you a copy of the new book for parents.
I have read the words above. I understand what I read; I understand that I have a choice to take part or not to take part. I understand that I can ask questions or leave the project at any time.
I, , agree to take part in the project Parents Teach Math.
Participant’s signature
Investigator’s signature
The book and the report will be on the internet ( and Kate will tell hundreds of teachers and day care workers and other people interested in family math to go and look at it. Do you want your name in the book and report, on the list of people who took part? (Initial your choice)
no . yes
. Write my name like this:
(You can change your mind about this any time.)
Date of approval by Malaspina Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects: June 4, 2007