Appendix B Interview Questions

Parents Teach Math Preliminary Interview Questions

Date Name Address Phone e-mail mark on preliminary test

How old are the kids in your care?

Boys Girls

What is their relationship to you?

children step children grandchildren nieces, nephews, other family members day care other

Tell me about what math was like for you in school?

How do you feel about math now?

Where do you use math in your daily life?

Do you and your kids do math together? If so, How and where?

For each child:

Name Age Grade

What does s/he like to play or play with?

What does s/he have the most trouble with in math?

What is the easiest part of math for him/her?

What are his/her grades like?

What do you and the teacher talk about in relation to this child’s math?

How does this child feel about math?