1993 In its Throne Speech and in its first budget, the Government signalled the importance it attaches to literacy. A promised restoration of funding to the NLS was accomplished.
October 1993 Liberals form government November 1993 Senator Joyce Fairbairn named Minister with Special Responsibility for Literacy
1994 National Literacy Secretariat is given responsibility for the literacy portion of The Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS) with a budget of $10 million over five years. With the ongoing responsibility for the Literacy Corps, a $1 million per year program and the restoration of its budget, the total NLS budget is $22.3 million per year.
January 1995 Policy Conversation on Workplace and Workforce Literacy held.
1995 The first evaluation of the National Literacy Secretariat is produced (Norpark Consulting).
December 1995 Literacy, Economy, and Society, the results of the International Adult Literacy Survey, is released.


Development and Demonstration (1996-2000)

September 12, 1996 Reading the Future: A Portrait of Literacy in Canada is released providing the Canadian IALS data.
October 23, 1996 The Minister of Finance announced a 100% GST rebate on books purchased including those purchased by literacy organizations.

Working in Concert describes the NLS objective as: Promote literacy as an essential component for a learning society and to make Canada’s social, economic, and political life more accessible to people with weak literacy skills.