Table of Contents

  1. 1. Executive Summary
    1. Introduction
    2. Key Project Findings
      1. Theme 1: Major Accomplishments of the NLS Business and Labour Partnership Program
      2. Theme 2: Impacts on Workplace Literacy Practices
      3. Theme 3: Definitions of Partnerships
      4. Theme 4: Factors of a Successful Partnership with the NLS Business and Labour Partnership Program
      5. Theme 5: Dynamics of the NLS Business and Labour Partnership Program
      6. Theme 6: Proposal and Project Support Experiences within the Partnership Program
      7. Theme 7: Factors of an Unsuccessful Partnership-Key Stakeholder Voices
      8. Theme 8: Lessons and Program Changes
    3. Implications for Workplace Literacy and Essential Skills
  2. 2. Introduction
    1. What does partnership mean?
    2. What was the purpose of this project?
    3. What was the research design?
    4. Who are the audiences for the case study?
    5. How is the report organized?
  3. 3. An Historical Chronology of the National Literacy Secretariat
  4. 4. Key Project Findings
    1. Theme 1: Accomplishments of the NLS Business and Labour Partnership Program
    2. Theme 2: Impacts on Workplace Literacy Practices
    3. Theme 3: Definitions of Partnerships
    4. Theme 4: Factors of a Successful Partnership with the NLS Business and Labour Partnership Program
    5. Theme 5: Dynamics of the NLS Business and Labour Partnership Program
    6. Theme 6: Proposal and Project Support Experiences within the Partnership Program
    7. Theme 7: Factors of an Unsuccessful Partnership-Key Stakeholder Voices
    8. Theme 8: Lessons and Program Changes
  5. 5. Making Sense of the Findings through Various Models
    1. The Partnership Development Continuum
    2. Partnership Working
    3. Group Dynamics within Partnerships
    4. Through the Lens of Program Planning Models in Adult Education
    5. A Conceptual Programming Model
    6. An Interactive Model of Program Planning
    7. Negotiation Model of Program Planning
  6. 6. Implications for Workplace Literacy and Essential Skills
    1. Implications for Practice
    2. Implications for Policy
    3. Implications for Research
  7. 7. References and Appendices
    1. References
    2. Appendix A. Annotated Bibliography of the Literature Review
    3. Appendix B. Interview Schedule for Business, Labour and Education Participants
    4. Appendix C. Interview Schedule for Government Participants
    5. Appendix D. Key Informants
    6. Appendix E. Consent Form
    7. Appendix F. Data Coding Form
    8. Appendix G. Document Data Sources