Appendix B
Interview Schedule for Business, Labour and Education Participants

  1. Please begin by providing a short description of the organization that you currently work (or have worked) in and its relation to literacy?
  2. How do you define the word partnership?
  3. Please describe your relationship with the NLS Business/ Labour Partnership Program.
  4. What are the key factors that you believe make (made) the partnership successful?
  5. How is workplace-related adult literacy different from other adult literacy programming?
  6. Can you think of any specific projects, activities and events that helped to develop the NLS Business/Labour Partnership Program?
  7. Can you think of any specific projects that have and had an impact on your practice?
  8. How does one count those activities or projects that don’t actually access NLS funds?
  9. Have you ever had a project proposal rejected by the NLS?
  10. How would you describe the dynamics of the partnership?
  11. Can you think of an incident/experience/story in the partnership that was particularly telling and that you remember clearly?
  12. What are the key factors that you believe break a partnership?
  13. What are the current issues in partnership development in workplace literacy and essential skills training?
  14. Have you seen any changes in the way NLS Business/Labour partnerships have been developed over the years?
  15. What’s the most important lesson you have learned from working with the NLS Business/Labour Partnership Program?