Illustrative of the many accomplishments of the Program were a number of specific projects, events, and activities. Cutting across all three periods of time was the important issue of assessment and evaluation of workplace learners and programs. Projects that developed specific procedures like the Organizational Needs Assessment and Literacy Task Analysis provided the tools for workplace instructors. Over the years, the issue of assessment has remained contentious and noteworthy for the larger field of literacy as well, and is evidenced with a forthcoming, edited book on Assessment Practices in Adult Basic Education.
Support for provincial initiatives through the Program, such as the Workplace Education Manitoba Steering Committee (WEMSC), laid the foundation for business, labour, and government in Manitoba to work together to address the critical needs of workplace literacy. The following excerpt from a recent report chronicles the work and accomplishments of this provincial initiative.
Since it has been in existence, the impacts of WEMSC have been many and widespread. The results have extended outside Manitoba to other parts of Canada. These impacts fall generally into six broad categories.
Source: A Case Study on the WEMSC and its Work: 1991-2006 Summary Report, p. 6.