The group dynamics of these individual partnerships were shaped by both environmental and structural characteristics. At the environmental level, partnership effectiveness was enhanced when individual partner organizations came together with a common response to a local or regional workplace literacy problem. The more diversity in viewpoints from partner organizations as well as any previous past experiences in collaboration set a tone for the group dynamics.
Structural level characteristics such as the formalization of the partnership also shaped the dynamics. Many of the partnerships discussed in this case study established different types of agreements among members which ranged from the informal to the more formal type of contracts. What seems to have influenced the partnerships even more so was the common set of working principles that guided the project work. Finding the right mix of partners was also a key structural characteristic.
At the centre of the group dynamics of the partnership process was a shared leadership from all members which included equal workload tasks throughout the duration of the project work. When communication among all partners was open and there was a flow of information between the funding organization and the member organizations effectiveness was enhanced.
Another characteristic of the group dynamics was the co-operative development of project goals which aligned with a shared vision of what was possible. This helped set the stage for flexible participatory decision making processes. Consensus for important decisions, such as allocation of project funds, was often used. This type of dynamic allowed for a recognition of conflicts and various types of constructive problem solving.
Using a problem-solving process, established during the initial stage of the partnership, aided the sharing of power among members. All of these dynamics resulted in the development of mutual trust—a key to effective partnership development. At the project operational level, meetings were well organized, with agendas that were developed in collaboration and shared facilitation. Partner members also shared in the tasks related to project evaluation.
“The dynamics were healthy, it was an open relationship, lots of open dialogue…”