The findings from the data that was gathered in this case study show that successful partnerships move through a number of phases over time. At each phase, some factors are clearly important to move this process into fruition. Some of these include the importance of developing a shared vision and having common goals. The findings also found that some common ground rules and having mutual trust and respect are also important to making the partnership successful. Having a balance of power between the partners and transparency in the relationship were also important success factors. Some dynamics were also important such as clear leadership from the funders and partners being comfortable in taking some risks. Just as important was the need for openness and trust in negotiating any issues and developing ownership of the projects and accountability.
Key stakeholders were also interviewed in this study for their views about partnerships that did not work. Some concerns such as conflicting objectives and hidden agendas were seen as factors that could lead to an unsuccessful partnership. Other factors raised included the lack of agreement about basic working principles and a change in direction of the partnership goals without consensus can lead to broken trust and feelings that there is a lack of honesty and can precipitate power struggles for control. Two other factors that could lead to an unsuccessful partnership are the loss of key champions and uncertainty about funding. Lastly, unclear information flows among partners can also be detrimental to the partnership relationship.
These findings raise some interesting research questions. For example, how important is trust and honesty in the process compared to other factors such as balance of power, building consensus on goals and visioning of the partnership? Are they interrelated to some extent or is there a sequence? Is the development of an acceptable and effective information sharing system and expectations of how and what information is to be available to all partners at the start contribute significantly to building openness and trust? Another important implication for research is the question of common goals and shared vision of the partnership. How significant is this to successful partnerships in general? Is this an important antecedent to developing greater connectedness between the partners and will this also prevent power struggles for control when problems arise during the partnership? If there is proper investment of time and effort to building goal consensus and commitment to them, will it result in less likelihood for deviant behaviours by one party and less conflict about changes to them?
“Education institutions are developing closer connections with industry to find ways of best meeting their needs” (p. 6).
Saskatchewan Labour Force Development Board. (2001). Growing our own workforce. Saskatchewan Labour Force Development Board.