17What's Deductible?
The Organization's Experience |
10 points for each fundraising special event your group has run in the last 5 years. |
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An additional 10 points for each time your group has run the same event you're currently considering. |
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Deduct 9 points for each of the previous events above if there are no detailed records evaluating the event and showing how to do it better. |
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Deduct 10 points if none of the current staff who will be involved with the event were on staff during the previous events. |
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Add 15 points if a staff person has had major involvement in running an event very similar to this for another organization. |
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Volunteer Team |
2 points for each volunteer who will take an active part in running the special event. |
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5 points for every volunteer who has experience as a leader in previous special events, for your group or any other non-profit. |
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1 point for every 10 hours of volunteer time you can realistically count on in running the event. |
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2 points for every volunteer who will personally sell 10 tickets or more. |
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100 points if you create job descriptions for each lead volunteer that specify what is required in terms of the number of hours of work, the length of commitment, and the qualifications, and also specify the support! training you'll offer, and the benefits of the job. |
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25 points for each new volunteer you recruit specifically because she or he has ability to do the job, not because you were desperate - for any warm body to help. |
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Add 2 points for each new volunteer recruited specifically to help on the event who you expect will still be active with your organization afterwards. |
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Deduct 5 points for each current volunteer who will not do any further work with your organization without resting 6 months or more after the event. |
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250 points if you have a system to ensure that all the people involved are doing their jobs on schedule, before a crisis hits. |
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100 points if you have a plan to reward and recognize the volunteers. |
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Invited Guests and Supporters |
In the following, count only those to be contacted in person, on the phone or by mail, not by ads or posters. |
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1 point for every person you'll invite who attended your group's last special fundraising event, provided the event was considered a social success. |
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1 point for every 25 people you'll invite who haven't attended a previous event, but have given your group money. |
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1 point for every 50 people you'll invite who participate in or are spectators at non-fundraising public events your group holds, such as sports events, art shows, seminars, health clinics, etc, or use your facilities, or are clients/patients/service-receivers. |
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1 point for every 75 people you'll invite who haven't had direct contact with your group. |
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50 points if the people you'll invite, or their families, are personally affected by the issues your group deals with. |
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Public Profile |
1 point for every time your organization was mentioned positively in your community's media in the last year. |
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1/2 point for every time the issues you are addressing were mentioned, but the cause was not. |
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2 points for every time the media will mention your organization in a positive way as a result of this event. You may not give yourself any points for this unless you have a realistic media plan to make this happen. |
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10 points if your group is a registered charity. |
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Costs and Income |
1 point for every $100 of income you realistically expect. |
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Deduct 1 point for every $100 the event will cost to run. |
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Add 1 point for every $50 of in-kind donations of goods and services (not counting volunteers) you will receive to offset the costs of the event. |
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Deduct 50 points if the group has to borrow the front money needed for running the event, or won't have enough for the programs and projects if the event loses money. |
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Add 100 points if the plan includes income from an auction or a fundraising collection using cheque blanks so donors can decide for themselves how much to give. |
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Add 100 points if you raise more than $50 per volunteer-hour worked. |
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Type of Event |
Deduct 50 points for every time another group has run a similar event in your community in -the last year. |
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Deduct 100 points if this is a brand new event idea and you have never heard of anyone running one like it before. |
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Add 25 points if the people attending the event will understand your organization's cause better afterwards. |
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Add 2 points for each name and address you expect to add to your mailing list as a result of this event. Points awarded only if you will send them a fundraising appeal within 6 months at most - preferably sooner. |
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Add 2 points for each potential new volunteer recruited at the event. |
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Add 50 points if the event could be repeated at least once a year for the next few years. |
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Add 50 points if a celebrity is part of the attraction at the event. |
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Add 50 points if you have given the invited guests an invisible command to attend, by honouring (or roasting) someone who is important to their financial or personal future, such as a local business leader or politician. The guest of honour must agree to attend. |
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Add 50 points if what happens at the event is directly related to the work your organization does. |
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Add 50 points if the event enhances your organization's image. |
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Deduct 100 points if the event could possibly damage your organization's image. |
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Add 75 points if more than 50% of the people who attend will want to attend another event your organization runs. |
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Add 10 points each time you use one of the 9 ways a printed programme can increase your effectiveness: |
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Thanking donors and volunteers |
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Educational material included |
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Donation request included, with reply envelope |
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Printing donated |
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Asking for new volunteers |
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Offering to contact people who want more information |
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Asking for anonymous comments to evaluate the event |
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Selling the programme |
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Selling ads in the programme |
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Planning |
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10 points for every month of advance planning time you have allowed, maximum 18 months unless you are planning to raise $100,000 net income from a single event. |
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100 points if you have a schedule that shows how much time each task will take, and deadlines for each. |
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An additional 100 points if it is possible to get all the tasks done before the event, despite the inevitable delays, without working midnight shifts. No points allowed if anyone involved shouts, cries, gets an ulcer, or burns out. |
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Deduct 100 points if the lead staff person is expected to do most of the work in setting up the event - either because the volunteers are 'too busy' or because the staff person can't delegate. |
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Deduct 100 points if you are planning an outdoor event and do not have a contingency plan for inclement weather. |
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Deduct 50 points if you don't have volunteer follow-up crews included in your plan to clean up, send thank-you letters, or handle donations and other details. |
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Add 100 points if you have a co-sponsoring organization or company that will reduce your work load, contribute financially or increase your chances of success. |
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Add 15 points if someone in your group has-checked federal, provincial and municipal regulations that might affect the event, and made all necessary arrangements. |
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Add 25 points if you have checked to make sure there are no competing events planned during your event that could keep away your audience, such as other fundraising events, elections, Stanley Cup games, Royal Visits, etc. |
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Add 25 points for each time you contacted other groups that have run events like this and they gave you information on how to do it right. Don't spend too much time researching - maximum 150 points. |
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Add 100 points if you have consulted professional fundraisers on how best to run the event, or reviewed materials on events (in addition to this book) at one of the Canadian Centre for Philanthropy's libraries or a public library. |
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Add 200 points if you will create a workable how-to manual, so the event is easier to run next time. |
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If your score is...
Less than zero |
Cancel the event immediately before you lose a fortune. Go back to the drawing board and correct your problems. |
0 - 249 |
See 'Less than zero', but don't be as hard on yourself. |
250 - 999 |
You might be able to succeed if you make some changes, and are really lucky. |
1,000 - 1,999 |
Your prospects look reasonable, but you'd better look after some of your shortcomings right away. |
2,000 - 2,999 |
Looks pretty promising, but there's still room for improvement. |
3,000 - 3,999 |
Well planned - looks like it should be a winner. But don't take any chances - review all the details. |
4,000 or more |
Either you've got a great plan, or you're kidding yourself. Re-evaluate some of your answers to make sure they are realistic. |
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Last updated : 1998/10/26 |
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