Canadian Heritage


Resource Guide
to Organizations and Publications

This guide is a compilation of resources that may be useful to you. It is not a complete bibliography - there are many other organizations and publications that may be of use. If a favourite of yours is missing, please let KW+A know for a future edition.

A listing here is not a recommendation or endorsement. Being left out is not condemnation. These are suggestions only.

Please contact the groups listed before you send them any money. Prices may change. Some groups charge extra if payment does not accompany your request.

American prices are all payable in US funds. Most US suppliers prefer a postal money order or cheque from a US bank. They must sometimes pay extra bank charges for 'foreign banks' even when a US dollar account is used.


§ Canadian Centre for Philanthropy

Suite 200
1329 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5R 2C4
(416) 368-1138

Covers all aspects of organizational management as well as fundraising. Extensive reference library open to public (over 1500 volumes in Toronto and smaller satellites in Winnipeg and Edmonton - more cities to follow). Annual conference/seminar in late fall. Special seminars on a variety of topics. Monthly newsletter - includes The Eventful Calendar. Offers computerized foundation searches. Co-sponsors courses with Humber College, Ryerson Polytechnical University and Grant MacEwan College. Membership fees and charges apply to some services.

Publishes these books, among others:

  • Canadian Directory to Foundations
  • Canadian Index to Foundation Grant

Editors: Allan Arlett Ingrid van Rotterdam

These two books give details of what funding is available, cross-indexed by subject, geography, and individual names. The Directory outlines the criteria and interests of every Canadian foundation and many American foundations that give to Canadian charities, including the name- and- address of the. person to write to.

The Index examines each foundation grant, shows exactly how much was given, to which charity, and for what purpose. There are also excellent articles on how to get foundation grants. You must read these before submitting applications.

If your organization is an Associate of the Canadian Centre for Philanthropy, the directories cost $43 (tax incl.) Ontario residents and $40 for non-Ontario residents. If not, costs are $69 per directory for Ontario residents and $65 for non-Ontario residents. Most public libraries should have them, however.

§ Canadian Society of Fundraising Executives, Toronto Chapter

c/o George Henderson, The Martin Group
Suite 720
36 Toronto Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5C 2C5
(416) 868-6611

§ Canadian Society of Fundraising Executives, Nova Scotia Chapter

c/o Kevin McNamara
Cobequid Multi-Service Centre
70 Memory Lane
Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia
B4C 2J3
(902) 865-5750

Individual memberships for professional fundraisers. The Nova Scotia chapter publishes an annual directory of fundraising plans in Atlantic Canada. Consult it to avoid conflicts and to gain new ideas. Both chapters have monthly lunch seminars.

All members get a Canadian newsletter and the American National Society of Fundraising Executives Journal. Experienced practitioners can write a certification exam to qualify as a Certified Fundraising Executive (CERE). There are also discounts on U.S. conferences. Membership fees and charges apply to some services. New chapters may form in other parts of Canada.

§ Financial Development Association

Suite 708
1155 West Pender Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6E 2P4
(604) 682-7447

Active in Vancouver and Victoria. Brings people together for regular sessions on fundraising.

§ Grass Roots Network

Suite 321
366 Adelaide Street East
Toronto, Ontario
M5A 3X9
(416) 361-5802

Brown Bag Lunch Meetings    free

The Brown Bag Papers newsletter   $25 per year

Informal network of small and progressive groups concerned with fundraising and publicity on low budgets and (often) controversial causes. Monthly lunches focus on a major topic. Bring your own lunch. All welcome, no reservations needed. Brown Bag Papers gives helpful 4- to 8-page coverage on a single practical topic. Back issues for $15/yr as available. Write or call for a schedule.

§ Ottawa Fundraising Executives

c/o Fran Lowe, Chairman
Limoges, Ontario
(613) 835-3680

A group of professionals whose main function is fundraising. The primary purpose is professional development and networking opportunities for individuals.

§ Ottawa Fundraisers' Network

250 Cooper Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0J4

Hope MacLean    (613) 233-5309
Mahonri Young    (613) 235-6140
Raymond Van Der Buhs    (819) 684-7434

The Network brings together fundraisers in the national capital area to exchange ideas and experiences for mutual benefit. Participates in giving courses at Algonquin College.

§ The Sport Marketing Institute

1220 Sheppard Avenue East
Willowdale, Ontario
M2K 2X1

(416) 495-4048

Sports groups will find useful suggestions on how to raise money and manage their teams.


§ A GuideBook to Fundraising for Disabled Person's Groups,
by Ken Wyman.



Disabled Persons Participation Program
Department of the Secretary of State
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0M5

(819) 953-2681

All kinds of organizations find this manual's advice is quite transferable, no matter what issue you deal with. Covers special events, working with volunteers, hiring consultants, corporate giving, and major individual donors. Also helps answer the most important question of all: “What's the Money For?” Also available in French.

§ Everything You Need to Know to Get Started in Direct Mail Fundraising
by Ken Wyman.



Voluntary Action Directorate,
Multiculturalism and Citizenship Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0M5

(819) 994-2255

A 270-page mini-encyclopaedia in English and French. Full of specific instructions, charts, and success stories. Includes a resource list on direct mail with information not listed here.

§ How to Raise Top Dollars from Special Events
by Mira Sheerin


Public Service Materials Centre
111 North Central Avenue
Hartsdale, New York 10530

Good advice on all kinds of events. Special chapters on awards and testimonial events, the charity ball, theatre parties and special performances, movie premieres, one-time gala performances, fashion events, and art exhibits and auctions.

§ Handbook of Special Events for Non-Profit Organizations
by Edwin R. Leibert


Association Press
New York, New York

Tested ideas on fundraising and public relations

§ 101 Ways to Raise Resources
by Sue Vinyard and Steve McCurley


Heritage Arts Publishing.
1807 Prairie Avenue
Dainers Grove, Illinois 60515

Interesting ideas and great cartoons. One of several they wrote in the Brainstorm Series.

§ Resources for Community Groups


Ontario Government Bookstore
880 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1N8

(416) 965-2054

An excellent handbook of useful ideas from the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Culture. Get it no matter what province you're in.

§ Fundraising For Non-Profit Groups
by Joyce Young



Self-Counsel Press
1481 Charlotte Road
North Vancouver, British Columbia
V7J 1H1

(604) 986-3366

Written for grassroots organizations. Must reading. Short, easy to digest.

§ Fundraising For Stability: Strategies for Community Fundraising
by Robert Doyle and Catharine de Leeuw



Social Planning Council of Metropolitan Toronto
Suite 1000
950 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 2J4

(416) 961-9831

A good book on general fundraising. Really understands the community perspective. Key topics include principles, planning, sources of support, preparing a proposal, innovations.

§ The Grass Roots Fundraising Book
by Joan Flanagan

U$ 4.75


The Youth Project
1000 Wisconsin Avenue NW
Washington DC 20007


§ The Successful Volunteer Organization
also by Joan Flanagan



Beaverbooks Limited
150 Lesmill Road
Don Mills, Ontario
M3B 2T5

Both of these are thorough, pragmatic, useful, upbeat texts.

§ Fundraising is Fun: A Guide For Local Anti-Apartheid Groups
by Bernadette Vallely


The Anti-Apartheid Movement
13 Mandela Street
London MW1 ODW
United Kingdom

tel. (01) 387-7966

A clever and useful book, giving novel twists to familiar event ideas. Brief instructions on how to run a variety of projects.

§ Fundraising for Social Change
by Kim Kiein


Center For Responsive Governance Press
P0 Box 42120
Northwest Station
Washington, DC 20015

Good detail on all aspects of fundraising. Packs a lot into 208 pages. Klein is co-publisher of Grassroots Fundraising Journal.

§ Canadian Taxation of Charities and Donations
by Arthur B.C. Drache, QC



Richard DeBoo Limited
81 Curlew Drive
Don Mills, Ontario
M3A 3P7

(416) 455-494O

An excellent book, updated as new regulations are released. It is expensive, but your lawyer and accountant should review it on any difficult matters. Any supplements as legislation changes are invoiced, usually $20 to $40.

§ The Taft Group

Public Service Materials Centre
5130 MacArthur Boulevard NW
Washington, DC 20016

(202) 966-7086

The Taft Group provides dozens of useful books. Ask for their free catalogue.

Sources: The Directory of Contacts for Editors, Reporters and Researchers

$15 per issue

Suite 402
9 Saint Nicholas Street
Toronto, Ontario
M4Y 1W5

(416) 964-7799

Sent free to all journalists, semi-annually. You have to pay to be among listed groups. Vital if you want writers to contact you when they are working on a news item or a feature story that involves you. And the writers do call.

§ Canadian Key Business Directory

Dun and Bradstreet
365 Bloor Street East
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 3L4

(416) 963-6500

Research data on corporations allows you to double-check names and addresses before applying.

§ Donors & Dollars
Epsilon Data Management


50 Cambridge Street
Burlington, Massachusetts 01803

(617) 273-0250

A handy pocket-sized 20-page booklet with very useful charts on the financial side of fundraising. Epsilon has a variety of other publications and a newsletter. Tell them about yourself, so they can decide what to send you.

§ The Auction Book
by Betsy Beatty and Libby Kirkpatrick

U$ 26.


The Society for Non-Profit Organizations
Suite 1
6314 Odana Road
Madison, Wisconsin 53719

§ The Auction Encyclopedia


Missouri Auction School
1600 Genessee
Kansas City, Missouri 64102

(816) 421-7117

Joe Small wrote a chapter for this encyclopaedia on how to set up charity auctions. It is written for professional auctioneers. The average charity may find it too complex.


§ Sponsorship Report

$ 195/yr

Kenneth Scott, Publisher
Suite 303
156 Front Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2L6

(416) 595-0840

Monthly. Usually 4 pages. Half the subscribers are charities, the other half corporations. Gives tips on corporations looking for sponsorship opportunities! Also produces the annual Financial Post Conference on Sponsorship, usually I day, in the spring. 1987 fee was $425.

§ Special Events

Free to qualified charities, or $35/yr

Miramar Publishing
2048 Cotner Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90025

(213) 477-1033

Includes behind-the-scenes information on the requirements of special events, for example lighting, PA systems, restaurant arrangements. Case studies, such as the unveiling of the renovated Statue of Liberty. About 20,000 subscribers.

§ Special Events Report

U$ 185/yr


Jon Ukinan
International Events Group
Suite 303
213 West Institute Place
Chicago, Illinois 60610

(313) 944-1727

Concerned with corporate sponsorship of events from the corporate perspective. Biweekly. Usually 8 pages. Who's doing what. Tips on sponsorship, such as insurance and legal matters. Does cover Canada, recently including what Royal Bank looks for before sponsoring an event (reprinted here), and Petro-Canada on the Olympic Torch Relay. Also publish annual Official Directory of Festivals, Sports, and Special Events, listing over 1700 entries in the US and Canada. Directory is included in subscription; or can be bought separately for U$ 119. Seminars, books, tapes and consultations also available.

§ Fundraising Management

U$ 43/year

Hoke Communications
224 Seventh Street
Garden City, New York 11530-5771

(516) 746-6700

The industry magazine. 'How-to' articles, news, fascinating ads, conference announcements. Has a monthly column on special events. April 1987 issue has several articles on events, including "There's More to Special Events than Raising Money", by Thomas J. Mulligan, and “Secrets of Success in Special Events”, by Alice H. Davidson. FRM is mostly for larger US charities, but will help any serious fundraiser.

§ Fundraising Institute Monthly Portfolio

U$ 55/yr

P0 Box 365
Ambler, Pennsylvania 19002-0365

(215) 646-7019

Only 8 to 12 pages a month, but succinct 'how-to' directions. Worthwhile. Usually includes special direct-mail tips in the “FRI Letter Clinic”. They also publish many handy manuals. Ask for the catalogue.

§ Grassroots Fundraising Journal

U$ 20/yr

517 Union Avenue
Knoxville, Tennessee 37902

(615) 637-6624

Quarterly. Recognizes that small organizations are different. Solid articles introduce techniques worth knowing.

§ The Non-Profit Times


P0 Box 7286
Princeton, New Jersey 08543-7285

(609) 520-8300

Useful tips and general background information in a tabloid newspaper. Trade news and trends.


§ The Centre for Philanthropy records seminars live on tape. From the dozens of selections available, here are a few on special events. Most are 90 minutes. Sound quality varies. Order them directly from the Centre:

  • Special Events: How to Get Started
  • Special Events: Getting More for Less Work
  • Big Benefits for Big Bucks: Putting the 'Special' into Special Events

Other Services

§ Revenue Canada Charity Law Hotline

Free: 1-800-267-2384

Provides official answers for charities, non-profits and donors on regulations under its jurisdiction. You can call anonymously.

§ National Symposium on Lotteries and Gambling

Public Policy Program
Department of Continuing Studies
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, British Columbia

(604) 291-3793/4565

Held in 1988. Sessions on gaming revenues and non-profit/charitable organizations, psychology of gambling, legal/ethical/moral issues and trends. Special instructional workshop on bingo.

§ Joe Small Auctioneers, Inc.

Suite 112
10859 Switzer Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75238

(214) 503-9155 or toll free from US only 1-800-521-2066

Joe Small has raised over $20 million for charities through 1300 auctions. He has spent some time in Winnipeg, and is familiar with Canada. If you contact him, he'll send a free copy of his excellent article from Fundraising Management magazine, March 1988, called “Is an Auction In Your Future?”. He has also offered to provide advice to any reader of this book at no charge. He will accept collect calls from Canada.

§ National Hole-In-One Association

Mancil Davis
Executive Director
730 Campbell Center
8350 North Central Expressway
Dallas, Texas 75206-1679

Toll free phone in Canada and US:
(800) 527-6944

Information on hole-in-one insurance and charitable golf tournaments.


How Could This Book Be Better?

Your comments on this book will help make future attempts better. Please copy this form and send it to:

Ken Wyman
Ken Wyman and Associates
Consultants on Fundraising, Volunteers, Communications
Suite 200
64B Shuter Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5B 1B1

(416) 362-2926

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About the Author

Ken Wyman is a specialist in helping groups grow through better fundraising, volunteerism and communications.

Hundreds of people have participated in his seminar, Making the Most of Special Events, a workshop hosted by the Canadian Centre for Philanthropy in eight cities across Canada.

Ken is the founder of the Grass Roots Fundraising Network's Brown Bag Papers and seminars. He's a member of the Canadian Society of Fundraising Executives. The Canadian Centre for Philanthropy and Humber College jointly retained Ken as co-ordinator of the first certificate program in fundraising management in Canada.

This is Ken's third book for the Department of the Secretary of State. The Voluntary Action Directorate also commissioned Ken to create Everything You Need to Know to Get Started in Direct Mail Fundraising. Earlier, Ken wrote The Guidebook to Fundraising For Disabled Persons' Groups.

Do You want to Reprint Part of This Book?

Charities and non-profit groups are welcome to copy and adapt portions of this book for internal use, on the condition that you give full credit to the author and copyright owners. Written permission isn't required. However, the Program would find it useful to know how this material is used, so please write:

Community Partnership Program
Canadian Heritage
15 Eddy Street, 7th Floor
Hull, Quebec
K1A 0M5

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information on the subject matter covered. Please use it with the understanding that the author is not engaged in rendering legal or accounting advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, consult a competent professional. The analysis contained herein represents the opinions of the author. In no way should it be construed as either official or unofficial policy of any government body.

Published by the
Voluntary Action Program
of Canadian Heritage

© Her Majesty the Queen as represented by the
Minister of Supply and Services, 1989.
Portions as marked are
©Ken Wyman

2nd Edition, corrected and reset, 1990

ISBN 0-662-18400-9


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    Last updated : 1998/10/26
Canadian Heritage Canada