An in-depth look at observation and task analysis
The Tennessee Literacy Resource Centre with a grant from the US Department
of Education reviewed a number of assessment tools. Based on the research
they recommended that informal observations and work samples were two
of the best ways to determine individuals' strengths and weaknesses.
"They found that careful observation was so valuable to the assessment
process that it recommended training to sharpen the practitioner's
observation skills." 23
Effective observation tips:
- Monitor individual patterns, look for recurrent themes and look for
where the breakdown occurs within the learning process
- Observe learners' interactions with their work, with other students
and with practitioners
- Look at how learners interact with the content and how they handle
the tasks (organization, rate, volume, memory)
Understanding learners' strengths and struggles and identifying
breakdowns in the learning process come from ongoing observation of:
- Patterns of errors and successes from multiple sources and samples
- How learners perform tasks
- When, and in what context, successes and difficulties occur
- With what consistency the behaviours occur
- The ease, fluency, and capacity in assimilating and expressing new
- Affective reactions and coping strategies24