Learning Disabilities Training: A New Approach

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Assessing Individual Strengths and Struggles: The Foundation for an Effective Training Plan

Learning objectives

  • Understand the assessment process
  • Explain the difference between formal and informal assessments
  • Understand when a diagnostic formal assessment is appropriate and understand the process
  • Assess for the impacts of auditory, visual and/or organizational learning disabilities
  • Use various informal assessment techniques (i.e. observation, work samples, dynamic assessment)
  • Effectively involve learners in the assessment process
  • Assess adults' learning disability strengths and struggles in the areas of reading, writing, spelling, speaking, listening and mathematics
  • Understand individuals' memory, visual-spatial and attention strengths and struggles
  • Increase knowledge of two informal assessment models for learning disabilities
  • Use effective assessment practices
  • Utilize evaluation criteria when selecting assessment tools

Chapter outline