Effective assessment practices

The following practices should be used to encourage a learner-centered and self-directed environment. These practices are based on the cognitive learning theory. This learning theory views learning as an active mental process of acquiring, remembering, and using knowledge. Learning is evidenced by a change in knowledge, which makes a change in behaviour possible.

  • Encourage divergent thinking and multiple correct responses
  • Encourage various ways of self-expression
  • Engage learners in problem solving and critical thinking
  • Provide choices in tasks
  • Provide choices in how to show mastery
  • Provide opportunities to reflect, revise, and rethink
  • Include concrete experiences
  • Engage learners in defining goals
  • Provide a range of models for learners
  • Provide learners with opportunities for self-evaluation and peer review, with input on criteria
  • Provide real world opportunities55

Criteria to consider when selecting assessment tools

Use the following criteria when determining what type of assessment tool(s) to select. Many of the tools that practitioners use may not meet all of the criteria, therefore practitioners will need to think about what criteria are most important based on learners' needs, personal assessment skills and the programs' resources.