Observations and information gained from general intake
- A 24-year old female who just enrolled in the LBS program at a local
college to work towards her ECE certification.
- She left school at 16 due to pregnancy - her son is now 7 and
attending Grade 1.
- Samantha is highly motivated and is ready to make this step,
although she is nervous since her previous school experience was
not positive.
- She has a good support system - her grandmother provides daycare
when needed.
- Samantha indicates she struggled throughout elementary and high
school with her reading skills and often disrupted the class during
quiet time when they were required to read.
- She took basic courses during her short time at high school and
remembers being sent to a small group for extra help in reading
during elementary school.
- Her rebellious behaviour began to interfere with her academics in
Grade 7. Samantha's parents went through a difficult divorce at that
time and limited attention was focused on her.
- She reports no medical history that would interfere with her learning
and has had her eyes checked in the past 8 months.
- During her upbringing, Samantha recalls her mother always
reinforced the need for her to do well in school and get a college
degree, so that Samantha would not wind up like her mother.
- Samantha's mother had worked as a cashier in a grocery store and
currently is working at a major department store. Although her
mother has average reading abilities, Samantha knows that her
mother avoids reading when possible.
- Samantha has not seen her father since her parents' divorce and
believes he had his Grade 12 diploma. He was a mechanic.