Expressive writing and spelling
- Samantha was asked to write why she was interested in getting her
ECE certification. She did take time to think about what she
wanted to say.
- Although her grammar and spelling were weak, there were some
signs of process (she used an opening and concluding sentence).
- Some common errors found in the written passage were:
- Samantha omitted letters and words and sometimes
substituted vowels and consonants.
- She would leave out silent letters (i.e. instead of "ous"
endings, she would write "us").
- If she wasn't able to recall a word from her memory she
relied only on her phonetics for spelling (wrote payn for
pain and laf for laugh).
- She left out punctuation and often didn't capitalize her
- Her writing included a number of run on sentences.
- She left little space between her words.
- There were letter reversals and she only caught them
when she read over her work, not when she looked
over her work (she said this weakness has been drilled
into her head so she is very aware of it).
Math skills:
- Samantha had difficulty with multi-step calculations.
- She found it very difficult to find information on a graph or a chart.
- She struggled with operations when they involved more than 2
digits that required columns (long division and multiplication).
- Samantha was able to make change and deal with simple math
involving single digits.
- She was able to recite her multiplication tables based on her strong
memory skills.