Overall conclusions
  • Although no informal assessment has been completed, the CAAT results indicate that Frank is not struggling with his basic communication and math skills. However, he is struggling with completing his homework and assignments based on the report from the credit program.
  • Based on Frank's description of his academic background, his self-assessment and his most recent upgrading experiences, it appears that he may have some type of organizing or cognitive processing breakdown and may have attention problems that interfere with his learning.

Questions for practitioners to consider:
What areas would you assess with Frank? What kinds of assessment tools would you access and why?
Assessment Areas

Frank needs to focus on the process and not just the product. How does he go about completing a task?

Writing Sample:

Frank was asked to prepare 3 to 4 paragraphs on why he wants to start his own business and what skills he has to offer. The topic was written on the top of the paper that was given to him. After minutes he had nothing completed and was quite frustrated. He had no idea where to begin. As a result, dynamic assessment technique was used. Frank was given the steps for composing a small report, one step at a time. He was able to complete the task only when each step was given to him. Most of the errors found in his writing were minor and any spelling errors were a result of a lack of understanding of basic spelling rules.