Information-Gathering and Diagnostic-Prescriptive Teaching: The keys to Effective Adult Education. Sturomski & Associates
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The author in the article recognizes the limited time practitioners have in a classroom setting and provides an alternative method for assessing. Diagnostic-prescriptive teaching involves: following up with additional questions as instruction proceeds; watching how students attempt to learn new information; observing, scrutinizing, and analyzing student efforts and errors; and modifying instruction to better meet the individual student's needs.

The Uses and Misuses of Processing Tests. Louise Spear-Swerling, Ph.D.
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The author discusses the pros and cons to using processing tests. Although it is written about elementary students, it gives a good overview of how cognitive processing tests are used and what they measure. The article includes a chart that highlights measures of important reading-related cognitive processes.

ERIC Clearinghouse for Assessment, Evaluation and Research
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The Clearinghouse provides balanced information concerning educational assessment, evaluation and research methodology. The resources encourage the responsible use of educational data. You can access a full text Internet library on assessment related topics.