The following supports should be considered for each area that the learner has identified as a need. These supports are applicable across all areas of need (social, employment preparation and/or educational).

Adjust the Setting/Environment

Alter the environment or provide ways to screen out disrupting environmental stimuli.

Adapt the Task

Find ways to avoid/bypass the problem or devise strategies that the adult can use to lessen the impact of the problem.

Adjust Instruction/Presentation of Information

Alter the way you present information to the adult (in a workplace setting) or adapt your instruction in response to individual needs and strengths (in the classroom).

Make Accommodations in Testing/Performance

Work around specific difficulties to devise a true measure of abilities. Do not allow disabilities to prevent an individual from showing what he/she can do. Allow an adult to respond and demonstrate competence on the job by using his/her strengths and abilities and when possible, bypassing disabilities.5

Module 3 and 4 will address learner-focused interventions. Both Modules 3 and 4 will provide content on how to develop interventions that address teaching learners the necessary skills and strategies to enable them to successfully meet their goals. In Module 5 we will address practitioner-focused interventions, which will outline instructional strategies. The interventions will focus on how the information is selected and presented so that it is more understandable and memorable and enhances learner engagement and retention.