If learners have difficulty answering these questions, have them do a spelling activity and then ask the following questions about the actual activity they just completed:

  • Tell me the words you had trouble spelling.
  • Why did you spell this word like that?
  • How did you come up with this word?

Suggestions for adults with visual memory/perception disabilities

  • Use structural phonic programs.
  • Exaggerate the pronunciation of words to help learners focus on auditory cues.
  • Help learners to understand the structure of words (i.e. root words, suffixes and prefixes); provide a word format table indicating the participle, noun, verb, adjective and adverb for related words, i.e. empowered.
  • Work with syllables - if they can't distinguish the syllables, have them put their hand under their chin and count how many times it drops for each word.
  • Use spelling drills where learners are asked to spell the words out loud.
  • Use word searches, exercises that have letters omitted from the words, and spelling games such as Spill and Spell or Scrabble to help strengthen visual perceptual abilities.
  • Incorporate tactile and kinesthetic cues.54